Support A Small Business, Support A Livelihood

I knew from the get-go that starting your own small business wasn’t going to be easy. I knew that the beginning would be slow, and I’d be putting out more money than I would be taking in. Even with knowing all this, it’s still hard to experience it. I try very hard to be hopeful and positive. I honestly jump with glee whenever I get an order and get emotional when I see people (on Instagram or in person) wearing our product. I spend most days working on marketing and panicking about whether I’ll be able to pay my bills or not. I have some sort of an anxiety attack or breakdown almost every day, but then I try to listen to High Hopes by Panic! At The Disco to try and turn those feelings around. The other day, I even questioned why I bothered to start this business at all. I started this business hearing my mom’s words running through my head, “Find something you love to do and do that”. THIS is something I love to do. I love art and supporting tattoo artists. I love playing with clothes and fashion. I love to share my passions with people I love, or anyone for that matter. I love the idea of being in charge of my own fate and not having to answer to others. I love having my own small business! Don’t get me wrong, this shit is HARD, but I’m SO much happier doing this than any other crap retail job I have worked in the past.

My friends, I know it seems like a lot to ask, but take some time to support a small business. It doesn’t have to be mine (although I would greatly appreciate it), but when you show support, you are helping more than just a business. You are helping a person. You are helping a family. You are allowing people to keep doing what they love. Without support, we can’t sustain a business OR a life.

So, take a few minutes to support a small business. ANY small business. That may be me, or your favorite shop on Etsy, or that Mom & Pop bakery down the street. Buy our shit, follow our social media pages, like and comment on our posts, share it with your friends. Help US so that we can continue to bring our passions to life and share them with you.

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